Sealants are a safe and painless way of protecting your teeth from tooth decay. A sealant is a protective plastic coating, which is applied to the biting surfaces of the back teeth. The sealant forms a hard shield that keeps food and bacteria from getting into the tiny grooves in the teeth and causing decay.. Having a fissure sealant is a completely pain-free and non-invasive procedure at Top Smile Clinic. Commonly asked questions

Dental sealants are thin plastic coatings that are applied to the grooves on the chewing surfaces of the back teeth to protect them from tooth decay. Most tooth decay in children and teens occurs on these surfaces. Sealants protect the chewing surfaces from tooth decay by keeping germs and food particles out of these grooves.

A dental sealant can last for as long as 5 to 10 years. Sealants should be checked at your regular dental appointment and if necessary can be reapplied if they are no longer in place.

Decay damages teeth permanently. Sealants protect them. Sealants can save time, money, and the discomfort sometimes associated with dental fillings. Fillings are not permanent, each time a tooth is filled, more drilling is done and the tooth becomes weaker.

Fillings are used to restore teeth to their normal shape, appearance and function by filling in cavities caused by tooth decay. Fissure sealants are of value in the prevention of tooth decay as they fill in the natural pits and fissures in the back (molar) teeth where dental decay occurs most often.

Getting a sealant is easy and doesn't hurt. The tooth is cleaned and a gel coating is placed on the chewing surface for a few seconds, the dentist or dental hygienist also may shine a light on the tooth to help harden the sealant to form a protective shield.

Sealant treatment is painless and takes anywhere from five to 45 minutes to apply, depending on how many teeth need to be sealed. Sealants must be applied properly for good retention.