MOUTHGUARDS Playing sport is fun and keeps us fit, but accidents do happen. Dental injuries from sport can be difficult and expensive to correct and are best prevented with a custom made mouthguard. A mouthguard reduces the impact of an injury to the mouth or face to assist in reducing the severity of any mouth or jaw injury. A custom fitted mouth guard is the best method to help protect your teeth from sports and an active lifestyle. Store bought mouth guards or ‘boil and bite’ ones can only offer a limited level of protection compared to a custom fitted one and in some cases can lead to a false sense of security while offering very little protection. Specifically tailored to suit the individual`s shape and contours of the mouth. They can also be adapted to allow for the eruption of teeth if you are a teenager or younger. Their custom fit ensures that all teeth are protected. COMMONLY ASKED QUESTIONS

If you were under an orthodontic treatment, suffering of occlusal trauma, bruxism, or had performed a partial or full rehabilitation of your teeth with crowns, then it’s recommended this mouthguard would benefit in protecting your teeth.

It typically takes between 5 - 7 business days for your custom made mouthguard to be made and ready to pick up.

After use, wash your mouthguard in cold water. Use your tooth brush to gently scrub it, removing the saliva and any food debris.

A rinse in a non-alcoholic mouthwash will help improve the taste and smell of your mouthguard. Do not use tooth paste or solvents which will abrade. Do not clean with hot water or heat as this will distort the shape of the mouthguard.

Top Smile Clinic Mouthguards are claimable with your health Insurance.

A sports mouthguard is not intended to protect against teeth grinding. If you're after a night guard please enquire about that separately.