ROOT CANAL THERAPY Root canal therapy is a sequence of treatments that are used to eliminate infection from the pulp of a tooth and completed to essentially “save” the tooth. Root canal treatments are required when the nerve inside a tooth becomes infected and inflamed, generally due to trauma, tooth cracks and fractures or decay and cavities that allow microorganisms, access to the pulp chamber or the root canals. The process involves the removal of infected tissues, cleaning and decontamination of the pulp chamber, reshaping the cavity and then filling them with a material to restore strength and structure to the tooth. After a root canal treatment, teeth are generally restored to their original functionality It’s often the most feared procedure in dentistry but it need not be. Root canal or endodontic treatment is used to save and restore severely infected teeth which would have previously required extraction. Endodontic treatment is required when an infection occurs in the nerve of the tooth, which is where the nutrients and blood supply are housed that facilitates the tooth’s growth and development. As a consequence of the nature of this infection it is notoriously painful, requiring efficient and timely treatment. It is always better to treat any pain early, the more intense the pain the more difficult it can be to take away effectively and also long term infections can reduce the success of the treatment. We can attend to root canal treatments in a single day, eliminating the need for multiple appointments and allowing healing to take place more rapidly. The Root Canal Procedure We prioritise patient comfort for every procedure. We will not begin treatment until the anaesthetic takes effect and you feel completely comfortable. At Top Smile Clinic, we use rotary endodontic instruments, which provide more comfortable and accurate treatment. In order to complete a root canal, we will make a small access point in your tooth, he will then clean out the bacteria, tissue and debris before placing medication within the canal to promote healing. He will place a temporary filling to seal the tooth as healing completes. It is natural to have some sensitivity for a few days following your treatment procedure, but you should gradually feel better each day as the swelling decreases. If you suspect you need root canal treatment or you are experiencing a toothache, contact our dental clinic to arrange an appointment. We prioritise patients who experience pain to help you smile comfortably again. Post-Root Canal Care Once a tooth undergoes root canal treatment, it can become brittle and more likely to fracture. In most cases, protecting it with a dental crown will provide the greatest longevity, especially when the root canal is on a molar or bicuspid tooth. Each situation is different, and we will happily discuss your options with you so you can make an informed decision regarding your oral health. At Top Smile clinic, patient health comes first, and we will always treat any underlying conditions in order to achieve better results for our patients. We approach dentistry in a highly personalised way. Caring for our patients is what we love most about dentistry. Top smile Clinic welcomes new patients of all ages. We look forward to exceeding your expectations. Commonly asked questions after a root canal treatment

You should feel fine after the root canal and should be able to return to your normal activities. You can expect the area to be numb for an hour or two after treatment. Once the numbness wears off, you may experience some tenderness around the tooth.

The procedure normally causes no more discomfort that a filling would. Root canal treatment may have a bad reputation, but it is undeserved; in this case it's the disease that's to blame and not the cure. In other words, the infections that make the treatment necessary in the first place are often painful because they are inflaming tissue that has lots of nerves and therefore is very sensitive. Root canal treatment actually relieves this pain.

Yes, root canals can be redone or “retreated”. If a tooth becomes re-contaminated any time after the initial root canal, there may be a need for retreatment. Occasionally, there are accessory canals or variations in tooth anatomy that prevent the initial root canal from being successful. Also, teeth that have crowns and/or root canals can become decayed (a cavity) or fracture/crack, making oral hygiene and comprehensive dental care a continued priority for all teeth, whether root canaled or not.

Most posterior teeth (molars and premolars) will require a crown on the tooth following treatment to return strength to the tooth. If you already have a crown, the crown can often be saved and restored with a tooth-colored filling after treatment.

The length of the treatment will depend on the severity of the damaged tooth. But root canal treatments generally take 1-2 hours on average.

Your acute pain may temporarily go away, but the infection won’t. It will eventually travel through the tooth’s roots into the surrounding tissues. If left untreated, it may result in an abscess or even a systemic infection. That’s why it's important to undergo treatment as soon as possible