Unfortunately for most of us, we often do not have enough room to in our mouths to allow our wisdom teeth to grow and develop. This often leads to problems including pain and damage to the neighbouring teeth. In cases such as these the best solution is usually to have them removed.

After careful assessment of your wisdom teeth at TOP Smile Clinic in Mascot, we can help you decide the best solution for your situation. We have a special interest in oral surgery and can remove your wisdom teeth under local anaesthetic or intravenous [IV] sedation in the dental chair.

Wisdom teeth generally appear throughout the late teens and early twenties but can sometimes appear later. Wisdom teeth are the final teeth to develop. In some cases they emerge in to their correct position without complication, however, often they can cause dental issues and require extraction to prevent further discomfort and problems.
When they align properly and the surrounding gum tissue is healthy, wisdom teeth do not have to be removed. Unfortunately, this does not always happen.

The extraction of wisdom teeth is needed when they cannot properly erupt within the mouth. They may grow sideways, partially emerge from the gum, and even remain trapped beneath the gum.

These poorly position, impacted teeth can cause many problems including swelling, stiffness, pain, and illness. When they are partially erupted, the opening around the teeth allows bacteria to grow and can cause infections. In most cases, the removal of wisdom teeth is performed under local anaesthesia, happy gas, Intravenous sedation or general anaesthesia.

We will assess your mouth and x-rays and decide on the best options for removal for you. We work closely and can refer you to oral surgeon for more complex cases

TOP smile Clinic provides in-house oral surgery alternatives that are easy to manage and schedule.

By offering effective, contemporary pain relief options for in-chair procedures, we are able to handle a large percentage of dental procedures without the use of external hospital-based surgery.

Wisdom teeth can be removed while you are in the chair. IV sedation is also available for oral surgery procedures. Unfortunately for most of us, we often do not have enough room to in our mouths to allow our wisdom teeth to grow and develop. This often leads to problems including pain and damage to the neighbouring teeth. In cases such as these the best solution is usually to have them removed.

Wisdom teeth (also called third molars) are the one at the very back of your mouth. They don’t start to push up into the mouth (erupt) until a person’s late teens or early 20s. They must be removed if they are decayed or causing pain and are often extracted just before or after they erupt. Some wisdom teeth are blocked by other teeth, or there may be no room for them to erupt, causing a build-up of pressure and pain. The gum can become irritated, causing pain and swelling. Impacted wisdom teeth are teeth that are stuck in the jaw and can’t erupt properly.

After careful assessment of your wisdom teeth at TOP Smile Clinic Mascot, we can help you decide the best solution for your situation. We have a special interest in oral surgery and can remove your wisdom teeth under local anaesthetic or intravenous [IV] sedation in the dental chair. We can also arrange to have a referral to a specialist to be extracted under general anaesthetic

The majority of complications are either caused by the wisdom teeth becoming impacted, or when they partially erupt. Impacted wisdom teeth are the result of the teeth growing into other teeth or the surrounding tissues and often causing crowding and discomfort. Partially erupted wisdom teeth are also problematic as they leave a small pocked of gum exposed and vulnerable to painful, recurrent infection. It is easy for the bacteria in your mouth to sit under this flap of skin and because it is difficult to clean and your body’s defences are unable to protect well in this area.

With the use of our state of the art Cone beam imaging we can locate the wisdom tooth in three dimensions which allows us to accurately locate the wisdom tooth and its relationship to all the delicate structures around that area. By doing so we can accurately predict the degree of difficulty of the surgery and give you the optimum care. The most effective treatment method to alleviate these issues is the removal of TOP or all of the wisdom teeth. This is a common procedure and can often be completed at our practice with the use of a local anaesthetic and happy gas if requested. However, for more complex procedures, complicated medical histories or particularly nervous patients, a referral to an Oral Surgeon to be arranged and a general anaesthetic can be administered by a qualified anaesthetist

Home Care Following Extraction Keep the gauze swab in place, with pressure for half an hour after leaving the clinic. Do not rinse mouth today. No hot foods or liquids. ONLY luck warm, soft foods on the other side of the mouth. Tomorrow, rinse with luck warm water and a teaspoon of salt and continue regularly for 3-5 days, at least after meals and before be until wound heals.NO ALCOHOL AND NO SMOKING FOR AT LEAST 48 HOURS. If in pain, take two panadeine tablets half an hour after treatment, then one or two tables every three to four hours, if necessary to a maximum of eight tablets in one day. Rest or sleep with head raised. If you are experiencing problems with your wisdom teeth or to organise an assessment contact our friendly team on 9908 3466 to arrange an appointment

We’ll take care of it and help you to feel better quickly. Get in touch with us to arrange an appointment right away. Your dental experience with us will be as pleasant and pain free as possible and we have a range of effective pain relief options available. Your comfort and dental well-being are our highest priority.

Injured tongue and lip

Like other oral tissue, the tongue and lips are very sensitive. When they are injured, controlling blood loss can be a tough job. The first step is to relax and refrain from panic. Then, try the following:

rinse your mouth with lukewarm water firmly hold a piece of cotton or gauze to the area that is injured to stem the bleeding place an ice cube folded in a cloth on the affected area to alleviate pain and reduce swelling and bleeding make a dental emergency appointment with your dentist

Recovery from wisdom teeth surgery takes about one or two days, but can take up to a week or more. It's important that you follow the at-home care instructions that your dentist gives you in order to aid healing and prevent infection.

Normally, the sockets should take about 2 weeks to 1 month to cover over with solid gum tissue after scabbing first; the underlying bone will remodel and heal by roughly 6 months. Naturally, factors like post-op infection, the size of the 'whole,' etc. can play a role in how long it will take to heal.

Here are a few ways you can prevent dry socket:
Avoid straws. The suction movement of air and cheek muscles when you use a straw may dislodge your blood clot. ...
Avoid smoking and tobacco. ...
Soft food. ...
Ask about medication interactions. ...
Proper oral hygiene.

A dry socket is a condition that may result after a tooth extraction if the blood clot that normally fills the socket is lost. The dry socket leaves underlying nerves exposed, which is very painful. The condition is treated by a dentist who cleans the wound and places a special dressing into the socket.

Instead of a dark blood clot, there will just be whitish bone. The pain typically starts about 2 days after the tooth was pulled. Over time it becomes more severe and can radiate to your ear. Other symptoms of dry socket include bad breath and an unpleasant smell and taste in your mouth.

Signs and symptoms of dry socket may include: Severe pain within a few days after a tooth extraction. Partial or total loss of the blood clot at the tooth extraction site, which you may notice as an empty-looking (dry) socket. Visible bone in the socket.

Here are 15 soft foods you should eat after having your wisdom teeth removed.
Blended Soups. Blended soups like tomato or pumpkin soup are great to eat after you've had your wisdom teeth removed. ...
Broths. ...
Greek Yogurt. ...
Mashed Potatoes. ...
Scrambled Eggs. ...
Applesauce. ...
Mashed Bananas. ...
Banana Ice Cream.

Avoid rinsing or spitting forcefully for 24 hours after the extraction to avoid dislodging the clot that forms in the socket. After 24 hours, rinse with your mouth with a solution made of 1/2 teaspoon salt and 8 ounces of warm water. Do not drink from a straw for the first 24 hours.

You can take a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), such as aspirin or ibuprofen, to ease the discomfort. Sometimes these over-the-counter medications aren't enough to relieve the pain. When that's the case, your doctor may prescribe a stronger drug or will anesthetize the area.

Your dentist will clean the tooth socket, removing any debris from the hole, and then fill the socket with a medicated dressing or a special paste to promote healing. You'll probably have to come back to the dentist's office every few days for a dressing change until the socket starts to heal and your pain lessens.

Your dentist may prescribe antibiotics to prevent the socket from becoming infected. To care for the dry socket at home, your dentist may recommend that you rinse with salt water or a special mouthwash every day.

Because smoking is a big risk factor for dry socket, avoid cigarettes, cigars, and any other tobacco products for a day or so after your surgery. If you take birth control pills, ask your dentist about performing the extraction on a day when you are getting the lowest dose of estrogen. The harm bone can affect the ability of the blood to clot. Also, check with your dentist about other medications you are taking that can interfere with normal blood clotting.

After surgery, avoid drinking through a straw and spitting for the first few days. Also don't rinse your mouth more than your dentist recommends. If you do rinse, do so gently. Be sure to visit your dentist for all scheduled follow-up visits.

-Plan ahead. Prepare for your recovery before your surgery. ...
-Watch what you eat. Stick to a diet consisting of liquids right after your surgery. ...
-Rest as much as possible. ...
-Open your mouth. ...
-Rinse your mouth out with salt water. ...
-Control bleeding with gauze and tea bags. ...
-Listen to your oral surgeon.

Wisdom teeth develop during your late teens or early twenties, usually between 18-24 years of age. However, they can sometimes develop much later.

It is recommended that impacted wisdom teeth that are free from disease should not be operated on. There are two reasons for this:

Firstly, there is no reliable research-based evidence to suggest that it benefits patients to have healthy wisdom teeth removed, and

Secondly, the surgery itself involves risks (see the wisdom tooth removal - complications section), and patients should not be exposed to these risks unnecessarily.
Instead, your wisdom teeth should be monitored during your routine dental check-ups. It is not possible to predict which impacted wisdom teeth (if any) may start to cause you problems in the future. However, the angle that the tooth has come through at, and the degree to which it is stuck among your other teeth, may provide an indication. Your dentist will decide if and when surgery is necessary.

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Depending on how healthy your teeth and gums are, your dentist will also advise you about how often you need to have a dental check-up. If you have a problem with check-ups, you should contact your dental surgery to arrange an earlier appointment.

In case of an emergency outside normal working hours, contact your surgery on its usual number and you will be informed about how to access emergency dental care.

If your dentist recommends that you need to have your wisdom teeth removed, they will take an X-ray of your mouth. This will help them to determine whether they can remove your wisdom teeth, or whether you will need to be admitted to the hospital so that a specialist (an oral surgeon) can perform the extraction.

Any charges and payment methods should be discussed before the procedure begins.

Before having your wisdom teeth removed, you will be given a local anesthetic by injection (most commonly lidocaine) to numb the tooth and the surrounding area.

If you are particularly anxious about the procedure, your dentist or surgeon may give you some medicine to help you relax. This may come in the form of a tablet (diazepam or temazepam), or gas (nitrous oxide) that is inhaled (breathed in) through a mask. A numbing gel may also be rubbed into the area to be injected.

A general Anesthesia, which causes a complete loss of sensation in the body, can be requested, but usually only if you are having the procedure in the hospital.

Removing the wisdom tooth
If the tooth has not come through the gum a small cut (incision) will be made in the gum to access it. A small piece of the bone covering the tooth will also need to be removed. The tooth may be broken into smaller parts to make it easier to extract through the opening. If the tooth has partially or fully broken through the gum, it will be easier to remove because there is no need for an incision.

You may feel some pressure just before the tooth is removed. This is because your dentist or surgeon will need to widen the tooth socket by rocking the tooth back and forth slightly before taking it out.

Surgery to remove wisdom teeth should not be painful because the area will be numb before the operation begins. However, if you do begin to feel some pain during the procedure, you should let your dentist know so that you can be given more general anesthetic.

After surgery
If an incision has been made, it may be necessary to use dissolving stitches to seal the gum. Your dentist will tell you if this has been done and how long the stitches should take to dissolve.

Your dentist may place some gauze over the site of the extraction and ask you to keep the pressure on it by biting your jaws together for up to an hour. This is to allow a blood clot to form in the empty tooth socket. Blood clots are part of the healing process and you should try not to dislodge them.

For the next 24 hours, your dentist may advise that you:

Avoid rinsing your mouth out with liquid too vigorously
Avoid sucking on a straw
Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol
Avoid consuming hot liquids, such as tea or soup
Minimise physical activity
They will also give you advice about how to look after your mouth after the extraction. See wisdom tooth removal - recovery for more information

Signs of an infection in the mouth include:
Bad breath.
Bitter taste in the mouth.
Sensitivity of the teeth to hot or cold.
Swelling of the gum.
Swollen glands of the neck.
Swelling in the jaw.

When the nerve is touching or entangled in the root, it has a high risk of injury that can lead to permanent numbness of the lower lip, chin and cheek. It is best to remove the tooth before the roots get longer and reside in the close proximity to the nerve. Impacted teeth can have associated with cysts and tumours.

Signs you may need root canal therapy include:
Severe toothache pain upon chewing or application of pressure.
Prolonged sensitivity (pain) to hot or cold temperatures (after the heat or cold has been removed)
Discoloration (darkening) of the tooth.
Swelling and tenderness in nearby gums.

Nerve injury. ... However, a nerve injury will only cause sensation problems – it won't cause any weakness to your lip or tongue. Your dentist or surgeon will try to minimise the possibility of nerve damage when removing your wisdom tooth, and they should tell you about the risk of complications before the procedure.

It is possible to suffer nerve injury through dental work; this can be after an injection for anaesthesia, tooth replacement, crowns or after a tooth extraction (see Wisdom Teeth). ... Lingual nerve damage causes numbness, tingling and/or pain with a burning sensation in the mouth.

When the nerve is touching or entangled in the root, it has a high risk of injury that can lead to permanent numbness of the lower lip, chin and cheek. It is best to remove the tooth before the roots get longer and reside in the close proximity to the nerve. Impacted teeth can have associated with cysts and tumours.

1. Numbing gel
A numbing dental gel may help reduce feeling in the gums and dull the pain. These gels are available over the counter or online and contain the active ingredient benzocaine.

Most dental gels can be applied directly to the affected gums throughout the day. However, it is important for a person to follow the instructions included in the product. Also, it is possible to be allergic to benzocaine.

2. Ibuprofen
Ibuprofen is an over-the-counter pain relief medication that helps reduce inflammation.

Taking the recommended dose on the packet may help relieve discomfort. It can also reduce inflammation of the gums associated with wisdom teeth development.

Ibuprofen or other NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) may be effective pain management until a person can see a dentist for treatment.

3. Ice pack
Applying an ice pack to the jaw can help reduce inflammation, which in turn may relieve pain. Using ice can also have a numbing effect.

A person can try holding an ice pack with a tea towel around it against their jaw for up to 15 minutes.

The ice pack can be applied off and on with 15 minute breaks until the pain has subsided.

4. Salt water rinse
Salt water has natural disinfectant properties. A 2010 study showed that rinsing the mouth with salt water can help reduce bacteria.
Sometimes, a build-up of bacteria in the broken gums around wisdom teeth can be the cause of pain. As such, rinsing with salt water may help treat the infection and reduce the discomfort.
To make the salt water rinse, a person can dissolve a few tablespoons of salt into a glass of freshly boiled water. When the water has cooled slightly, it can be swirled around the mouth for several minutes, and then spat out.
A person may want to rinse their mouth with salt water two or three times a day or until the pain starts to reduce.

5. Cloves
Research into the effectiveness of cloves to relieve wisdom tooth pain is positive. A 2006 study showed that there is promise for cloves as a topical pain reliever due to their numbing effect.

To try this home remedy, a person can use a whole clove or clove oil. If using a whole clove they should:

To try this remedy using clove oil, a person can:
Put a few drops of clove oil on a ball of cotton wool
Put the cotton wool on the wisdom tooth that is causing pain
Hold the cotton wool in place until the pain reduces and then remove it
Both clove oil and whole cloves are available to purchase online.