
Reasons to See a Dentist for Teeth Whitening


More than eighty per cent of Americans think their smile is unpleasant. Many individuals avoid smiling for pictures due to this reason.

Feeling self-conscious about your teeth right now isn’t always a sign that you always will be. Simple procedures, like teeth whitening, can have a significant impact. But it would help if you didn’t attempt to handle these tasks alone at home.

Please read on as we have compiled this advice to help you decide that teeth whitening treatments offered by Dentist Mascot are superior to those available over the counter.

Whitening by a Professional Is More Effective

You won’t find stronger whitening ingredients in over-the-counter products than what you’ll discover at the dentist. Professional teeth whitening treatment will eliminate stains, leaving your teeth looking brighter and whiter than at-home whitening treatments, which may lighten the spots.

Spending less money onproducts ofteeth whitening mascotis another benefit.

You won’t need to whiten your teeth as frequently with professional whitening because it’s more effective. Use the money you save on do-it-yourself treatments towards other, more pressing costs (or save it!).

It Lasts Longer

Whitening your teeth with over-the-counter products may work temporarily, but they won’t be able to remove stains and discolouration permanently. To rephrase and keep the hue you desire, you must repeatedly purchase identical goods.

You get greater, longer-lasting results with professional whitening. You can have a brilliant smile with less effort since you’ll only need to whiten your teeth once or twice a year.

Going to the Dentist Will Be Easier On You

With at-home whitening kits, you need to exercise caution. While these items pose no health risks, improper use can cause discomfort.

Consider the possibility that the bleaching substances can irritate or even bleed your gums if they come into contact with them. Too much dental whitening solution left on for too long could also cause sensitivity. Because of this, the whole thing could be unpleasant.

If you want your teeth whitened, visiting a dentist is easier (and safer).

The Dentist Mascot will use a barrier to separate your gums and teeth. Doing so will prevent the whitening solution from contacting your gums. Notify the dentist if you experience any discomfort or agony throughout the procedure, and they will determine and address the source of the issue.

Since this is a low-risk procedure, a trained expert is on hand to handle any complications.

A Cleaning Is the First Step in the Treatment

Your dentist will perform a standard cleaning as the first step in your teeth whitening mascot treatment appointment. To ensure that the whitening solution is applied evenly, your dentist will first remove any debris or plaque that has built up on your teeth. Spotting, in which certain parts of your teeth become noticeably lighter than others, will not occur.

However, it has a dual purpose as a therapy. While you’re at it, you’re not only making your teeth look whiter, but you’re also protecting your mouth from harmful bacteria.

It’s Fast

Professional teeth whitening takes thirty to sixty minutes, and it’s quick. It is not much of a rush when you include the time spent travelling to and from the office and waiting for your appointment to begin.

Now consider it from this angle.

The total time spent on teeth whitening is only one or two hours per year due to the low frequency of professional treatments. The time you save by not having to buy and repeatedly place whitening products in your mouth is substantial compared to the time you save by having your teeth professionally whitened.

Additionally, your teeth will retain their whiter appearance for up to 24 hours following your dentist’s application of the whitening agents. This is the equivalent of doing nothing while your teeth get whitened.


You shouldn’t use over-the-counter solutions to whiten your teeth. If you want significantly better results, scheduling a professional teeth whitening procedure is best. Looking for information on how to schedule a teeth whitening appointment with your Dentist Mascot? Here at Top Smile Clinic, we can assist you! If you would like to schedule an appointment, please get in touch with us today.